Avatar photoFurkan EMİROĞLU20 Ocak 2018

Samuel P. Huntington, in full Samuel Phillips Huntington, (born April 18, 1927, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died Dec. 24, 2008, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.), American political scientist, consultant to various U.S. government agencies, and important political commentator in national debates on U.S. foreign policy in the late 20th and early 21st century. Although Huntington began his career […]

Avatar photoYusuf Taner KILAVUZ25 Eylül 2016

Ba’ath means rebirth in the Arabic language that has two founders which are socialist and Arabic nationalist who founded Ba’ath Party in Damascus about 1943.[1]  Zeki Arsuzi denominates the party’s name, and used the name of Ba’ath first-time. Ba’ath Party lies behind Arabic nationalism, and the nationalism had accelerated in Syria and Iraq together with […]

Avatar photoYusuf Taner KILAVUZ6 Ağustos 2016

ABSTRACT Showing a dramatic increase in terrorism and the potential dynamics of the international system which becomes an important issue to be discussed is quite important. Terrorism is the democratization of the political dynamics and the level of political instability; however, it suggests that a systematic economic ties with dynamic handling, such as the level […]

Biz Kimiz?

Gayemiz, asırlardır mirasçısı olduğumuz medeniyetin gelişimine katkı sağlamak adına kurduğumuz ilim halkasındaki ilmî faaliyetleri geniş kitlelere ulaştırmaktır.

Cemiyetimizde, genç ve hareketli yazar kadromuz ile Siyaset, Hukuk, Ekonomi, Sosyoloji, Edebiyat ve Tarih gibi ilmî alanlarda gerek akademik gerekse de gündeme ilişkin yazılar kaleme alınmaktadır.


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