Rüstem Kamenov24 Ocak 2018

In 1991, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan emerged independent republics upon the collapse of Soviet Russia. These newly established Turkish states, especially in the early years of their independence, have caused the rethinking of the idea of ​​Pan Turkism, which is desired to be implemented in the last years of the Ottoman states, but […]

Rüstem Kamenov10 Ocak 2018

ABSTRACT In the article distribution and development of Islam was considered in Central Asia and feature of distribution of Islam among the nomads of Kyrgyz was analyzed. A process of distribution of Islam among of Kyrgyz was protracted enough and Kyrgyz accepted an Islam later than all. It was marked that the levels of religiousness […]

Rüstem Kamenov19 Aralık 2017

During the Soviet Union’s time, Central Asia was considered in Russian’s sphere of influence. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, five new Central Asian republics gained their independence that are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. However, their independence seemed as an advantage, but they had also big disadvantages. Those states did not […]

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Gayemiz, asırlardır mirasçısı olduğumuz medeniyetin gelişimine katkı sağlamak adına kurduğumuz ilim halkasındaki ilmî faaliyetleri geniş kitlelere ulaştırmaktır.

Cemiyetimizde, genç ve hareketli yazar kadromuz ile Siyaset, Hukuk, Ekonomi, Sosyoloji, Edebiyat ve Tarih gibi ilmî alanlarda gerek akademik gerekse de gündeme ilişkin yazılar kaleme alınmaktadır.


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